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Biblical Resources
The Holy Bible (KJV, Brenton - Complete Orthodox Canon of Scripture)
Scripture of the Day (Julian calendar)
Liturgical Resources
A Guide for Readers in the Orthodox Church
A Guide for Sacristans in the Orthodox Church
The Typica Service (served by the laity in absence of a priest)
The Services of Holy Friday & Pascha (served by the laity in absence of a priest)
How To Fill In A Prayer List For Proskimedia Prayers
Prayers at Use of the Internet (colour bookmark)
Akathist to the Chinese Orthodox Martyrs of the Boxer Rebellion (+1900)
Parish Mission Tools
Preparing For A Baptism
Blessing of Baskets at the Vigil of Pascha
Preparing for a House Blessing
Liturgical Gestures
Saint George Day Festival - Sample Pamphlet
Santa Lucia Festival - Learn More
Building a Successful Orthodox Christian Fellowship on Campus
Chinese Missions Dinner Event Planning Guide
A Guide to Confession
Holy Communion - A Guide to Preparation, Reception, and Conduct Following the Holy Mysteries
The 5 Stages of Sin
The Road Out of Sin - Part 2 of The 5 Stages of Sin
For Those Wounded By Abortion
Outer Beauty, Inner Beauty
A Search for Wholeness: An Orthodox Response to Organ Donation and Retrieval
Spiritual Writings
Blessed Xenia the Homeless Wanderer: Patron of those seeking work, a home, or a spouse
Saint Nectarius The Wonderworker: Patron of Cancer Sufferers
Martyr and Duchess Elizabeth: The Royal Martyr
Saint Evgeny Rodionov:Modern Martyr and Warrior for Christ
Why Orthodox? Right Worship and the Word "Orthodox"
The Prayer Rope: Meditations of a Monk of the Holy Mountain Athos
Elder Paisios of Mount Athos: On Feasts and Sundays
Mystical Path of a Russian Pilgrim From the Classic Mystical Narrative - The Way of a Pilgrim
The DaVinci Fraud - A ChallengeTen Questions for Orthodox Christians
On the "Gospel" of Judas: Blasphemy for Profit
Whose Delusion? Orthodoxy's Place in the Contemporary God Debate
If God is Good, Why Do Bad Things Happen?
Preaching of Right-Reverend Nicholas, Bishop of the Aleutians and Alaska
The Holy Orthodox Church - Ritual, Services, and Sacraments - Saint Sebastian Dabovich
The Lives of the Saints, Lectures and Sermons - Saint Sebastian Dabovich
Preaching in the Russian Church - Lectures and Sermons - Saint Sebastian Dabovich
Prologue from Ohrid (Lives of Saints), Resources for Prayer and Worship - Gateway to Ancient Mystical Christianity
My Life in Christ by St John of Kronstadt
Orthodox Christian Booklets
A Pocket Church History for Orthodox Christians
The Apostolic Fathers
Anglo-Celtic Resources
Lives of Saints
The Life of St. Patrick
The Life of St. Brigid
For Further Research
Celtic Monasticism - A Model of Sanctity
The Fall of Orthodox England
An Open Letter to Orthodox Anglicans
Orthodox England
Anglican Orthodox Pilgrimage
"Ours must be an orthodoxy of the heart, not just the mind."
St.Tikhon of Zadonsk