Orthodox Talks


In The Steps of The Saints : Missionaries and Mircale Workers of North America

In The Steps of The Saints : Missionaries and Mircale Workers of North America

Talk One

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In The Steps of The Saints: Missionaries and Mircale Workers of North America

In The Steps of The Saints: Missionaries and Mircale Workers of North America

Talk Two

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Reaching Modern Culture with Christ's Church

Reaching Modern Culture with Christ's Church

with Father Patrick Tishel

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Desert Holiness & Monastic Saints: Orthodox Christianity in Wales

Desert Holiness & Monastic Saints: Orthodox Christianity in Wales

with Archimandrite Deiniol

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Ancient African Christianity: Heeding the Call of Christ

Ancient African Christianity: Heeding the Call of Christ

Father Moses Berry

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The Miracle-Working Relics of Christ's Holy Saints

The Miracle-Working Relics of Christ's Holy Saints

with Father Jacob Myers

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SEXUAL PASSIONS & ADDICTIONS: Healign the Spiritual Woulds of Our Age

SEXUAL PASSIONS & ADDICTIONS: Healign the Spiritual Woulds of Our Age

with Dr.Philip Mamalakis

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The Scandal of Gender

The Scandal of Gender

A Talk by Mother Theodelphi

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Orthodoxy and the Challenge of Our Times 1

Orthodoxy and the Challenge of Our Times 1

Hieromonk Ambrose (Father Aleksey Young)

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Orthodoxy and the Challenges of Our Times 2

Orthodoxy and the Challenges of Our Times 2

with Mother Theodelphi

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GOOD MEN, GOOD WOMEN, Bad Men, Bad Women

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NAVIGATING A HOSTILE WORLD: Lessons from the Saints

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Forming Youth to Live Faithfully in A Mad World

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SEXUAL PASSIONS & ADDICTIONS: Healing the Spiritual Wounds of Our Age

with Dr.Philip Mamalakis

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PUTTING AWAY CHILDISH THINGS: Living an Authentic Orthodox Christian Life

with Father John Moses

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The Miracle-Working Relics of Christ's Holy Saints

with Father Jacob Myers

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Genesis, Creation & Early Man: The Teaching of the Saints on Early History

with Hieromonk Damascene

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Orthodoxy and the Challenges of Our Times

Mothre Theadelphi & Hieromonk Ambrose Young

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MANY CULTURES, ONE FAITH: Healing Society Through Othodox Living

Father Michael Oleska

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with Hieromonk Ambrose (Aleksey Young)

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Ancient African Christianity: Heeding the Call of Christ

Father Moses Berry

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DESERT HOLINESS & MONASTIC SAINTS: Orthodox Christianity in Wales

with Archimandrite Deiniol

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"Ours must be an orthodoxy of the heart, not just the mind."

-St.Tikhon of Zadonsk