On the Transfer of Love from Self to Christ(From The Way of the Ascetics by Tito Colliander)

If we move out of our self, whom do we encounter? Ask Saint Theophan. He supplies the answer at once: We meet God and our neighbour. it is for this very reason that denying yourself is a stipulation, and the chief one, for the person who seeks salvation in Christ: only so can the centre of our being be moved from self to Christ, who is both God and our neighbour.

This means that all the care, concern and love that we now lavish on ourselves is then quite naturally and without our noticing it transferred to God and thereby to our fellow men. Only so is the left hand kept from knowing what thy right hand doeth, and your alms are actually given in secret (Matthew 6:3-4).

Until this has come to pass, we cannot be filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish one another (Romans 15:14) in a real non-material way. Our attempts along this line must be false because they are our own and spring from our will to please ourselves. It is especially necessary to understand this, for otherwise we become easily confused on the road of seemingly true helpfulness and smug well-meaning that leads inevitably to the swamp of self-satisfaction.

Refrain from busying yourself, therefore, with charity bazaars, sewing meetings and other such occupations. Busyness over many things is, in all its forms, chiefly a poison. Look within, examine yourself accurately, and you observe that many of these apparently self-giving deeds spring from a need to deafen your conscience: that is, from your uncontrollable habit of satisfying and pleasing yourself (Romans 15:1). No, the God of love and peace and complete sacrifice does not care to live in the midst of bustling and ado to please oneself, even if this is carried on perhaps under some kind of pretense.

There is one way to make a test: if your peace of mind is troubled, if you become dejected or perhaps a little angry if for some reason you have to give up performing the good deed you had planned, then you know that the spring was muddy. Perhaps you ask, Why? Those who are experienced answer, external hindrance and oposition meet only the person who has not yielded his own will to God: and for God an obstacle is unthinkable. A truly unselfish act is not mine, but God's. It cannot be obstructed. Only for my own plans, my own wishes--to study, to work, to rest, eat, or do a service to my fellow man--can some external circumstance "get in the way," and then I am grieved. But for the person that has found the narrow way that leads to life, that is to God, there is only one conceivable hindrance, and that is his own, sinful will. If he now wishes to do something but is not permitted to carry it out, how can he grieve? For the rest he is not making any plans (James 4:13-16).

"Ours must be an orthodoxy of the heart, not just the mind."

-St.Tikhon of Zadonsk